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Lumistick 8 Inch 100 Glow Sticks Bulk Party Favors with Connectors | Light Sticks Neon Party Glow Necklaces and Glow…
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Lumistick 8 Inch 100 Glow Sticks Bulk Party Favors with Connectors | Light Sticks Neon Party Glow Necklaces and Glow…

Product ID: 13862183
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The best brand of glow sticks on the market. You will receive 1 tube of 100 Lumistick brand luminescent light bracelets. Each tube contains 100 Bi Color Bracelets Red/Blue. Your order will also contain 100 connectors so you can hook the ends together to make bracelets and necklaces. Once they start glowing, Lumistick brand glow bracelets will last you all night. They will glow super bright for 8 - 10 hours. Then, they will start to fade out but may continue to emit some light for up to 36 hours. These Lumistick brand glow bracelets are fresh from the factory. They were manufactured just a few weeks ago and guaranteed to be fresh when you receive them. Can't use them all in one night? They have a shelf life of 2 years prior to activation. Inside the glow bracelets are two chemicals that emit light or glow when they are mixed together. When you bend it for the first time, you break an inner tube. This mixes the two chemicals together. Just shake it up and presto -- it starts glowing like magic! Lumistick brand glow products are non-toxic. They are not radioactive and they are not flammable. The almost never break open, but if they do, the chemicals inside Lumistick brand glow products can be washed off skin and clothes with ordinary soap or detergent.

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The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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