iROLEWIN Toddler-Kids Butterfly-Wings for Girls Butterfly-Costume Children Bug Dress-Up Wings as Play Toys Boys Party Favors
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iROLEWIN Toddler-Kids Butterfly-Wings for Girls Butterfly-Costume Children Bug Dress-Up Wings as Play Toys Boys Party Favors

Product ID: 552492334
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iRoleWin aim to provide safe and unique design products to enjoy the time of playing with your children, and enhance a good parent-child relationship. Its special design will make little ones look unique. Let your child out of the TV room and come to the real world! Becoming a butterfly is easy! All you have to do is hang upside down from a twig by your feet, spin a snug cocoon to wrap yourself into, and then turn into a kind of bug soup inside your chrysalis. Then you can regrow yourself from the ground up - so to speak - until you emerge triumphant, shaking out your colorful wings! Alternatively, you could buy yourself a cool butterfly wings costume. That sounds a lot easier. Product Information: - Heirloom quality for everyday wear - Size: 46.5inches W x 25.6 inches L, great for ages 3-8 - Open-ended toy that sparks imaginative play - Shoulder & Wrist straps allow for movement during play - Perfect Halloween costume or for Easter basket filler, Christmas stocking stuffer, or small birthday gift to children Care Instruction: IRON butterfly capes on VERY LOW heat before using them due to the folded packing. Flutter through the house just like a fairy or a real monarch butterfly.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

2 weeks ago

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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